I SEE You! Foundation
I SEE You! Foundation
What We Offer
What We Offer
We host support groups (for people not only battling invisible illnesses, but for their parents/caregivers as well as their siblings). We have our free mindfulness boxes for free to those that need it. We will also be offering different classes. We will be continually adding more services. Check back often for new services. If you don’t find something you are looking for, send us an email and we will Try to accommodate your needs.
Mindfulness Boxes
Mindfulness Boxes
I SEE You! Foundation offers Free Mindfulness Box.
I SEE You! Foundation created Mindfulness Boxes as a way to cope with anxiety, stress, depression and also as a resource for those people with invisible illnesses. Drawing on the 5-4-3-2-1 method used to reset your brain in times of duress, there is something for each sense (sight, smell, taste, feel, and sound). By stimulating each sense within 3 minute time, it has been clinically proven to reset your brain and help you focus for fully on the present tense.
Contact us today to get yours free!
Davis/Weber/Salt Lake/Utah County Support Groups
Davis/Weber/Salt Lake/Utah County Support Groups
I SEE You! Foundation is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Adult Support Groups are the 1st Tuesday's at 6:30pm MST
Caregiver and Family Support Groups are the 1st Tuesday's at 6:30pm MST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 360 674 1315
Suicide Prevention Speaking Engagements
Suicide Prevention Speaking Engagements
I SEE You! Foundation is offering our CFPSS team to come and educate on Suicide Prevention. We will come to you and present an informative presentation.
Call or email us to set up an appointment or for more information at 801-410-1773 or info@iseeyouutah.org
Painting with a Purpose
Painting with a Purpose
Music for Healing
Music for Healing
Journaling for Peace
Journaling for Peace
Next class stars 6/19/23-6/24/23 10:00am-11:30am MDT via Zoom Sign-up required here